A method for producing aluminum oxide nanoparticles, consisting in the thermal decomposition of an aluminum salt was developed and patented.
A study of the liquid capillary rise height is used to assess the stability of the coating from aluminum oxide nanoparticles. The deterioration of the transport in the coating is explained by the adsorption of carbon molecules in the aluminum oxide nanoparticles layer. The data on the thermal resistance of the investigated heat pipe models were obtained. The dependences of the thermal resistance were established for vertical heat pipe models on the transmitted heat flux for the following options: steel pipes with a joint made in the form of a pipe-in-pipe, dry and filled with water or LOCTITE SI 100 paste, pipes made of aluminum without a joint and a dry flat joint. The aluminum pipe and steel pipe with nanoparticle coating has been least thermal resistance. Steel models without nano coating have a higher thermal resistance, both without a joint and with a joint filled with air, water and thermal grease, respectively. When applied to the evaporator coated by nanoparticles of aluminum oxide, the thermal resistance decreases, and when the orientation of the steel pipe changes from vertical to horizontal, it increases. The decrease in thermal resistance with increasing heat load for composite models of steel pipes suggests that, apparently, the contribution of condensation and evaporation zones to the total thermal resistance is comparable to the contribution of thermal conductivity at the point of contact of the joined surfaces.
Keywords: thermal stabilizer, nanoparticles, heat and mass transfer, wettability, thermal resistance, nanocoatings, heat transfer intensification.
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