Requirements for Articles

The article submitted to the editorial office must be original, relevant to the subject of the publication and not published anywhere before. All materials should be open-ended. The presence of a restrictive stamp serves as a basis for rejecting the material from open publication.

Authors should strive for ensuring that their manuscripts are carefully formatted in strict accordance with the requirements established by the journal editorial office, as well as written in good scientific Russian.

Besides the article, the author sends the following materials to the editorial office in the electronic form:

  • accompanying letter with request for the article publication (.pdf) (see «To the Authors» Section);
  • file of the article with signatures of the authors (.pdf);
  • expert opinion on the possibility of the article publication in the open press (.pdf).

The article should be represented by a single file (with .doc or .docx extension), have distinct structure and consists of the following consequently placed elements

By submitting an article for consideration, the author agrees to the terms of the contract.

1. Information in Russian:
Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC).
Article title.
First name, patronymic and last name of the author(s) (in full).
Place of work of the author(s) indicating the postal address.
Email address of the author(s).
Abstract (5–6 sentences) — a brief description of a scientific article, including the following aspects:
  • formulation of the problem;
  • ways of solving it;
  • purposes of the scientific work цели научной работы;
  • results, conclusions.
Keywords (5–10 words or word combinations reflecting the content of the article.).
Financing (grants, joint projects etc.).
Bibliographic entry for citing articles.
Abstract (in Russian — to check the translation of Abstract, 250 words).

2. Information in English (in order and location corresponds to the information specified in paragraph 1).

3. The structure of the scientific article by the IMRAD type (Introduction – Materials and Methods – Results – Discussion)

Introduction should be relatively brief. In the introduction, the authors should claim the general topic of the study, then reveal the theoretical and practical significance of the work, describe authoritative and accessible publications on this topic. In the introduction, the author also discloses the problems that have not been solved in previous studies, which this article is intended to solve.

Materials and methods. The purpose of this section is to present in a simple and direct way what was done, when, where, and how the data was analyzed and presented. It is necessary to describe in detail the methods and scheme of experiments (observations) that allow reproducing their results only by the text of the article. Avoid unessential information that is irrelevant to the results or may confuse the reader.

Results. In this section of the article the author reports on what he managed to achieve while the conducting the study. The author presents the obtained data in the form of graphs, figures, tables, schemes etc.

Discussion. This section contains an interpretation of the obtained results of the research, including correspondence of the obtained results to the research hypothesis, limitations of the study and generalization of its results, as well as suggestions for practical application and for the trend of the future research.

Conclusion. This part contains brief summary of the sections of the article without repeating the formulations adduced in them. It is necessary to compare the obtained results with the purpose indicated at the beginning of the article.

4. The list of non-textual references is being grouped in the order of numbering and drawn up in accordance with the State Standard 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic reference». If you are referring to electronic publications, you need to specify either DOI or URL (the location of the file or a specific page of the publication) in the list of references.



  1. Piralishvili Sh.A., Polyaev V.M., Sergeev M.N. Vikhrevoi ehffekt. Ehksperiment, teoriya, tekhnicheskie resheniya [The vortex effect. Experiment, theory, technical solutions]. Ed by A.I. Leont’ev. Moscow: Ehnergomash, 2000, 412 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Pozvonkov D.M., Shigin R.L. Experimental modeling of structural materials with oxidative generator gas flow interaction conditions in LRE. Thermal processes in engineering, 2024, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 3-11(In Russ.). URL

5. References (bibliographic list in Latin) repeats the list of references in Russian in the same sequence and irrespective to whether there are foreign sources in it or not.

If a source

If the source (collection of articles, reports, journal, journal article, etc.) has an official title in Latin (in English, French and other languages), it should be adduced in the original language in the list of references. In this case, transliteration is not required.

  • If the source is written in Cyrillic, it is necessary to translate and transliterate it. Translation of the title is placed in square brackets. The text should be transliterated according to the BSI standard.
  • Abbreviations presented in the original name should be translated into English, and their full name should be given, abbreviation of terms is unacceptable.

Each full-valued word in the title of the journal should be written with a capital letter.

  • The title of the journal, collection etc. are being presented in full, without abbreviations.
  • Each full-valued word in the title of the journal should be written with a capital letter.
  • The names of Russian cities (except Moscow and St. Petersburg — Moscow, Saint Petersburg), as well as the names of publishing houses should be transliterated in full (not translated).


Zeldovich Ya.B., Kompaneets A.S. Fizika udarnyh voln i vysokotemperaturnyh gidrodinamicheskih yavlenij [Physics of Shock Wafes and high-temperature Hydrodynamic phenomena]. Moscow, Nauka, 1966, 686 p. (In Russ.).

Zagidullin R.S., Lipatov P.O. Development of the design of a thermal protective coating for promising launch vehicles. Thermal processes in engineering, 2022, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 98–106. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34759/tpt-2022-14-3-98-106

6. Information about authors is provided in both Russian and English: name, patronymic, surname (in full), position and place of work (with postal index), email address, academic degree and title. It is necessary to indicate the author responsible for conducting correspondence with the editorial office.

Typing requirements

The length of the article is 25 pages (20-30 thousand characters, including spaces). Pages are numbered with Arabic numerals throughout the text, numbering is continuous. Sections must have running numbers throughout the manuscript, indicated in Arabic numerals and written in paragraph indentation. Point size — 14, Times New Roman typeface, line spacing — one and a half. Symbol — for Greek letters, MathematicalPi2 — for handwritten and Gothic symbols.

Illustrations drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, photographs, etc.) should be placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. If there is only one drawing, then it is designated as «Fig. 1». Numbering with continuous Arabic numerals. It is allowed to number illustrations within a section. In this case, the number of illustrations consists of the section numbers and the sequential number of illustrations.

Illustrations may have a name and explanatory data (text below the figure). The word «Figure» and the name are placed after the explanatory data and arranged as follows: Fig. 1. Device details. When referring to illustrations, you should write «... in accordance with Figure 2», etc.

Groups of pictures, united by one heading, should be labeled a, b, c, etc.

Requirements to illustrations

  • for the raster images, TIFF format with a resolution of 600 dpi and an absolute size of at least 1000 horizontal pixels, 256 shades of gray should be used;
  • for the photographs, use TIFF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and a horizontal size of at least 1000 pixels (preferably black and white photographs). Drawings should not lose their information content when transferred to the «grayscale» format.

Tables. The table title, if available, should reflect its content and be accurate and concise. The table title should be placed above the table on the left. The table should be placed immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All tables must be referenced in a scientific work, for example: Table 1.

When transferring a part of a table to another page, the word «Table» and its number should be placed once on the right above the first part of the table, and above the other parts write: «Continued Table 1». It is allowed to number tables within a section. If the document has one table, then it should be labeled «Table 1».

Tables should be easy to read and type in at least with 12 font size.

Formulas and equations should be separated from the text into a separate line and typed with MathType (preferably) or Equation. Typing formulas from composite elements, where a table, or text, or an embedded frame is a part of the formula, is not allowed. It is not allowed as well to insert graphic elements in the form of formulas (figures) into the text. If the equation does not fit in one line, it should be moved after the equality sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (—), multiplication (×), division (:) or other mathematical signs. The sign is repeated on the new line. When transferring a formula to a sign symbolizing the multiplication operation, use the «×» sign. Explanation of the senses of symbols and numerical coefficients should be given directly below the formula in the same sequence in which they are presented in the formula. Only common symbols and abbreviations should be used. The fractional part of a decimal number is separated by a comma, the number ranks are separated by a nonbreaking space.

Formulas should be numbered in ordinal numbering within the entire scientific article in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the rightmost position on the line.

References to the ordinal numbers of formulas are being given in the text in parentheses (... in formula (1)).

Formulas can be numbered within a section. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot (3.1).

The order of presentation of equations in scientific work is the same as the formulas. Vectors are highlighted in Bold font; no arrow is placed on top. — informational site of MAI

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