Regulations of reviewing

All articles submitted to the journal are subject to peer review. The review is attended by members of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Council of the journal, leading scientists of research institutes with professional knowledge and experience in a specific scientific field in accordance with the subject of the manuscript. The co-authors of the article and the staff of the department in which this work was performed cannot be reviewers. The review is performed within a period of up to 30 days.

The peer review is one-sided and anonymous («blind»), the authors are not informed about the reviewers. As a rule, at least two reviewers are appointed for each article

The Editorial Board and the Editorial Council are guided by the following principles in their activities: objectivity, confidentiality, anonymity at all stages of reviewing and taking into account the possibility of a conflict of interest.

The peer review conducted by the reviewer contributes to the adoption of editorial decisions, as well as helps the author to improve the text. The decision to accept the manuscript for publication, return it to the author for revision or rejection from publication is made by the editorial board based on the results of the review. All reviews are kept in the editorial office for at least three years.

The results of the review on the possibility of publishing an article in the journal: «recommended» (positive review), «recommended if the shortcomings noted by the reviewers are corrected» (revision) or «not recommended» (negative review).

The editorial office sends the review to the author by e-mail. The letter gives an overall assessment of the article, if the article can be published after revision / taking into account comments, recommendations are given for revision / removal of comments, if the article is not accepted for publication, the reasons for such a decision are indicated. The article sent by the author to the editorial office after the elimination of comments is considered in the general order.

The final decision on the approval of an article for publication or its rejection is made by the editorial board and the editor-in-chief of the journal. — informational site of MAI

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