Heat transfer crisis and fluid distribution in bundles of rods in the area of dispersed-annular flow mode


Boltenko E. A., Davydov M. V.

Joint Stock Company «Electrogorsk Research and Engineering Center on NPP safety» (JSC «EREC»), Saint Constantine str., 6, Electrogorsk, Moscow region, 142530 Russia


The article presents the results of earlier performed studies on the fluid consumption in the near-wall film in conditions equilibrium phase distribution. A mass transfer diagram for non-heated channels was plotted. The technique for determining the amount of liquid in the near-wall film of a two-phase dispersed-annular flow on the heat-release surface for pipes is de-scribed. The technique is based on the experimentally established unique dependence of the to-tal mass exchange between the flow core and near-wall film and critical heat flows values in the area of the dispersed-annular mode; fluid consumption in the flow core and film with boundary conditions in the beginning of the dispersed-annular mode and parameters in the place of the heat transfer crisis origin.

This method is based on the experimentally established explicit relationship between the in-tensity of the total mass transfer between the flow core and the wall film and the critical heat fluxes in the region of the dispersed-annular regime, between the fluid flow rates in the flow core and the film and the boundary conditions at the beginning of the formation of the dis-persed-annular regime and the parameters at the site of the heat transfer crisis. The dependences for determining the fraction of liquid in a wall film for pipes in the area of the dispersed-annular modeare presented. A mass transfer diagram was plotted in the entire area of the dispersed-annularmode existence for heated channels. An approach, on which basis technique elaboration for computing heat transfer crisis in assemblies is possible, is described. Calculations of fluid consumption in the films of the fuel element surfaces in characteristic cells of a seven-rod as-sembly were performed. Mass steam contents x were set based on the experimental values, ob-tained by the isokinetic sampling technique.Comparison of the calculated liquid flow rates in the core and the total liquid flow rates in the cells (measured by the isokinetic sampling tech-nique) near the total flow consumption line reveals that the calculated and experimental values are quite close. A satisfactory agreement was obtained between the calculated and experimental values of the steam content xп at the bundle outlet.


mass transfer diagram, dispersed-annular mode, flow core, critical heat flux, heat transfer crisis, flow-rates in film, seven-rod assembly, isokinetic sampling method.


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