Thermal state of the energy-releasing globular particle at convective-radiative heat transfer


Zarubin V. S.*, Novozhilova O. V., Sergeeva E. S., Soldatenko I. G.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia



Many technological processes of powder metallurgy, high-temperature synthesis of refractory materials and catalysis of chemical compounds are characterized by intense thermal interaction with liquid particles in a gas atmosphere (including air) medium. In this case, physicochemical processes can occur in the composition of the particles, accompanied by energy exposure caused by condensation of vapors or hardening of metals and alloys, exothermic chemical reactions, absorption of penetrating radiation, or radioactive decay substances. Their shape can be considered close to spherical. For example, molten metal melts with compressed air or inert gas.

Moreover, quite a few heterogeneous particles and materials with high thermal conductivity, their temperature state can be accepted uniformly, changing only in time. The thermal conductivity of a substance in the liquid phase is usually less than in the ordinary. The temperature state within them can also be considered homogeneous.

Heat transfer conditions on the particle surface in the general case. This article uses the equations of thermal equilibrium. Sharon particles are built on the basis of a mathematical model characterized by an uneven temperature state of particles, the intensity of energy vibrations depending on age and temperature by the Arrhenius law. A quantitative analysis of the mathematical model made it possible to reveal the temperature of particles during radiation, only convective and complex convective-radiation heat transfer.

Due to the unevenness of the heat balance, the temperature value must be taken into account. This value is necessary for applying the dimensionless temperature used in the Arrhenius law. Ultimately, it is possible to construct a dependence on the dimensionless temperature on the parameters of the system, on which its radiation radius, the Stefan constant ~ --- Boltzmann, and the preexponential factor in the Arrhenius law depend. It has been established that this dependence has a single extremum (maximum). If the air temperature is not set, then the air temperature can be killed to absolute zero. A similar result follows from the well-known mathematical model that describes the residual stars during the destruction of the thermonuclear energy reserve and turns into the so-called white dwarf, followed by a collapse to the black dwarf, which remains at a temperature of about 3 K, which has a CMB spectrum.


mathematical model, convective-radiation heat transfer, ball particle, instability of the temperature state.


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