The preswirled cooling air supplied through discharge nozzles could be collected by a circu- lar array of rotating receiver orifices (CAO) in the coverplate or could be transferred directly through continuous annular slot (CAS) to the rotating diffuser formеd by turbine disc and coverplate. This paper presents a validated numerical and analytical study which investigates the differences between turbine cooling air supply system main characteristics with CAO or CAS. Computations were performed within the parameter range similar to gas-turbine engine operating conditions: 0.375<λT<0.98; 0.548<β0<2.5; 1.69·107<Reφ<2.33·107; 2.79·105<Cw<5.73·105.
Instead of classical analysis of discharge coefficient of rotating holes witch is mainly influenced by geometrical parameters the authors developed the unique technology comprises analyses of forerunning (pre-swirl nozzles) and next following (rotating diffuser) cooling air system unit characteristics. In order to describe throttling effect of the CAO on discharge nozzles it was used throttle mass flow CDR and pressure πN coefficients which are the ratios of real to hypothetical values mass flow and pressure ratio consequently. For rotating diffuser swirl ratio β was analyzed in the inlet and outlet regions.Finally an engineering approach for total pressure, total temperature of the cooling air before the blade, and system power consumption estimation for CAO and CAS cooling air system was showed. There has been detected that CAO reduce the swirl ratio β at the rotating diffuser outlet, and for the constant required pressure before the blade significantly increase temperature of the cooling air under the blade. It was also showed that main system characteristics depends upon the aspect area ratio of the pre-swirl nozzles and orifices.
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