Heat transfer processes in two-phase material with spherical inclusions, absorbing penetrating radiation


Attetkov A. V.*, Volkov I. K., Gaydaenko K. A.**, Kotovich A. V.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

*e-mail: fn2@bmstu.ru
**e-mail: kseniyagaydaenko@gmail.com


The article proposes mathematical model of the heat transfer process in the two-phase material with penetrating radiation absorbing inclusions in the sphere stratum form. The mathematical model being realized assumes thermal insulation of the spherical stratum external boundary and represents mixed problem for the system of two equations in the second order partial derivations of parabolic type in the presence of thermal source in the system. The article indicates the difficulties of principal character, occurring while analytical solution of the problem under consideration using integral Laplace transform along the temporal variable. To cope with these occurred difficulties by application of the general theory of integral transforms, finite integral transform over the spatial variable for the two-layer area was developed. The obtained results are employed for finding an analytically closed solution of the problem represented by the mathematical model of the heat transfer process being studied in the two-phase material transparent for radiation with absorbing inclusions in the form of the spherical stratum.


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