Loop heat pipes (LHP) are passive two-phase heat transfer devices that are used for efficient cooling of heat-generating objects. However, the operating temperature and the thermal resistance of the LHP substantially depend on external conditions (heat load value, heat sink temperature, etc.). Therefore, if it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the cooled object at a given level, active regulation of the LHP is required. The article presents the results of experimental studies of LHP with active regulation of the operating temperature by means of a controlled thermal effect on the compensation chamber of the evaporator. The regulation was carried out using a thermoelectric module, one side of which was in contact with the compensation cavity, and the other one, through a heat bus with an evaporator interface. The value and sign of the thermal effect were determined under the condition of stabilization of the temperature of the heat source at the level of 60±0.2°C with changes in the heat sink temperature from –10 to +30°C, the value of the heat load of the heat source from 20 to 380 W and the inclination angle from –90° to +90°. It has been shown that this control method is most effective at inclination angles from 0° to +90° (evaporator at the top). At the same time, the energy consumption for regulation did not exceed 8% of the heat source capacity. At an inclination angle of –90° (evaporator at the bottom), these costs increase significantly.
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