Structural synthesis of design solutions for structural elements temperature reduction of high-speed flying vehicles


*, Guseynov A. B.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article substantiates relevance of prospective high-speed flying vehicles creation. The high priority is being given to the program of their creation in the developed foreign countries. Their basic advantage consists in decreasing time of their visual contact of the information acquisition means, and the possibility of the flight at the altitudes of H > 30 km unattainable for the interception means. The option of a design-layout scheme was formed based on the available in open press. The main features of the «air-to-surface» class high-speed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) appearance are the «all-body» aerodynamic configuration, unconventional external forms, combined propulsion system (PS), such solid propellant rocket engine as an accelerator, and a sustainer ramjet engine (ramjet). Based on the UAV ballistic designing (computing aerodynamic characteristics, propulsion system operating parameters and flight trajectory), temperature fields on the structural elements’ surfaces were determined, and their structural materials were selected. The main characteristics of some optoelectronic detection means (OED) of the developed foreign countries are presented, and the impact of the structure temperature and a jet on the UAV detection range while the OED application is shown. The task of structural parametric synthesis and analysis of alternative design solutions for temperature reduction of the UAV elements is presented in this work in the form of solving two interrelated problems of various levels:

  • the optimal design parameters determining for each technical solution to reduce the temperature {π*};
  • structural synthesis of alternative options for technical solutions with optimal parameters and determining rational ones {Pij }.

Solving these problems is an iterative process of successive approximations. The starting
point is the technical assignment (TA) for the UAV design. Each feature of a design solution for temperature reduction is determined by several technical solutions {Pij } and their design parameters {s} . The article presents a matrix of design solutions for reducing the temperature and strength of infrared (IR) radiation of structural elements and their design parameters. Mathematical models of the aerial vehicle functioning necessary for complex analysis and synthesis of the UAV temperature reduction were determined.


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