The algorithm design of the foil electric heaters of the spacecraft


Vyatlev P. A.*, P. , P.

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



The precision capabilities of the equipment of new manufacturing processes require the use of special optimization methods for the development of high-quality topology of foil electric heaters. The use of computer-aided design methods and systems is relevant. The main task that arises in the design of electric heaters is to ensure their operability, i.e. the performance of specified functions for a certain time. The stability and reliability of electric heaters significantly depend on the choice of thermal modes at the design stage. The permissible temperature determines the permissible power that an electric heater can dissipate. The problem of determining the permissible scattering power at a given maximum temperature in a steady-state mode is solved by an iterative method. In this paper, an analysis of the initial data for the design is presented and an algorithm for calculating the topology parameters of the foil electric heater of the spacecraft for laser manufacturing technology is proposed. The dependence of the error of the solution on the number of iterations is given. The dependence of the error in calculating the stationary thermal regime of a thin-film resistor on the number of partitions is presented. The prospects of introducing an algorithm for selecting the parameters of the topology of foil electric heaters for the system of ensuring the thermal regime of spacecraft are analyzed. The principles of calculation and design of foil electric heaters are described. The minimum overall dimensions of the electric heater that provide a given power dissipation are determined. It is noted that the current density in a resistive element of a rectangular configuration near the internal right angle tends to infinity, which can lead to local overheating and a decrease in reliability. The analysis of the initial data for the design of foil electric heaters showed that the meander of the resistive heating element has parameters that are inversely proportional to the multi-criteria optimization. The considered formulation of the design problem allows us to conclude that the design parameters depend on each other. An algorithm based on multiparametric optimization is demonstrated. A series of computational experiments was performed using the created algorithm. The developed algorithm makes it possible to select the maximum number of options for the design parameters of foil electric heaters in the best way, taking into account several efficiency criteria.


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