Numerical simulation of fuel ignition the scramjet engine combustion chamber


Molchanov A. M.*, Gribinenko D. V.**, Yanyshev D. S.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article tackles the problem of fuel ignition in the supersonic flow in the scramjet combustion chamber. The model engine represents a flat channel, consisting of the supersonic diffuser combustion chamber and supersonic nozzle. A pylon, from which right flat end the gaseous hydrogen is being fed, is situated in the combustion chamber. Two different 2D simulation models are being employed. Both models are built based on Reynolds (Favre) averaged Navier-Stokes equations with SST turbulence model as a flux closure. The main difference between these models consists in implementing various chemical kinetics models. To account for chemical reactions, the first model is being supplemented by the EDM chemical kinetics model equations, while the second one is being supplemented by the EDC chemical kinetics model equations. The adequacy of these mathematical models of chemical kinetics in case of fuel ignition was studied. The article demonstrates that the results obtained by the simplified model of the chemical kinetics (EDM) differ greatly from the results obtained with the full model (EDC). The supersonic diffuser angle variation impact on the fuel ignition in the scramjet engine combustion chamber was studied was studied. The article shows that even the slight changing in the inlet unit angle affects significantly the instant of ignition and fuel combustion intensity. Comparison of various mechanisms of hydrogen combustion chemical kinetics was performed. The article shows that fuel ignition occurs higher upstream, and burning is more intensive while the simplified mechanism application compared to the full mechanism employing.


supersonic flow, combustion, ignition, chemical kinetics


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