The work is devoted to numerical study of pressurizing gas condensation on the diaphragm in the tank filled with liquid propellant in zero gravity. The aim of the study is to determine the influence of the problem parameters on film forming, diaphragm heating and the depth of propellant heating. The unsteady adjoin problem is solved in one-dimensional approximation. To determine the evolution of film thickness, diaphragm temperature and depth of propellant heating, the heat balance equation is considered for the diaphragm element. Pressurizing gas temperature and pressure are assumed to be uniform. Pressurizing gas is saturated, its thermal properties are constant. The capillary forces influence is not taken into account due to the small diaphragm curvature. It is supposed that the emitted heat during condensation is spent on film, diaphragm and fuel heating. Propellant and diaphragm temperatures are equal at the initial time. Diaphragm heating normal to its surface is neglected due to relatively low material thermal resistance. The temperature profile in the film is assumed to be linear. Propellant temperature profile near the diaphragm is proposed to be quadratic. The resulting system of differential equations is solved in nondimensional form numerically. The nondimensional parameters effect on film thickness, diaphragm temperature and depth of propellant heating at different Fourier numbers is shown in computing experiment. The weak contagion of propellant thermal conductivity, initial temperature difference between pressurizing gas and propellant, as well as the pressurizing gas thermal properties on the diaphragm heating time is established. The depth of propellant heating self-similarity is calculated. The model is substantially simplified with diaphragm stationary heating assumption. In this case the relative deviation is less than 20% accept the process starting stage in comparison with the initial model.
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