Lipnyagov E. V.,
Parshakova M. A.*
Institute of Thermal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Amundsena St., 107a Ekaterinburg, 620016, Russia
*e-mail: parmari@yandex.ru
The paper presents experimental data on the linear vaporization front propagation velocity formed as a result of spontaneous boiling-up of superheated n-pentane in a glass capillary with an inner diameter of 5.6 mm. The upper end of the tube is sealed. The velocities are calculated from selective frames of high-speed video filming of the boiling-up process of a superheated liquid (2050 fps). Video data were obtained in experiments on measuring the lifetimes of superheated n-pentane in the temperature range from 100.3 to 125.3°C. The mean lifetime in the temperature range is of the order of 1–102 s. Superheating is realized by pressure decrease on the thermostated liquid from 2.00 to 0.10 MPa. From the entire array of video data (more than 1000), it was selected the files in which the boiling-up of superheated n-pentane occurs at one center of vaporization, and the vapor bubble, upon reaching the opposite wall forms two phase interfaces: the upper (slow-moving) and lower (vaporization front). Based on the video frames, the positions of the upper h1 and lower h2 interfaces at the time t were determined, the difference between these values Δh and the vaporization front propagation velocity Vf=dh/dt were calculated. The binding of the values of Δh, determined from the video frames, to the real values was carried out using a KM-6 cathetometer. From the data of the pressure sensor it follows that the pressure of the liquid during the growth of the vapor phase increases from 0.10 MPa to the pressure of saturated vapor at the temperature of the thermostat. It was found that the order of magnitude of Vf is 1 m/s in the temperature range from 100.3 to 122.3°C. The velocity Vf increases with the initial superheat temperature and depends on the configuration of the liquid-vapor interface. At the moment of the appearance of secondary bubbles on the surface of the primary bubble, it increases by 1.25‒1.67 times. The appearance of secondary bubbles is the more likely, the closer we are to the temperature of the attainable superheat (125.3°C). They usually appear in the liquid layer between the primary bubble and the capillary wall.
nucleation, superheat, boiling, vaporization front, metastable state, high-speed video, n-pentane
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