Kotlyarov E. Y.*,
Serov G. P.**,
Luzhenkov V. V.
Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
*e-mail: evgeny-1@list.ru
**e-mail: serov@laspace.ru
The article analyzes the possibility of employing a modified design of a loop heat pipe (LHP) passive temperature regulator, which is customary called a «three-way valve» in the engineering practice. The design refinement envisages depressurizing of the bellows pressurization cavity, as well as extra spring mounting outside the bellows to compensate its axial expansion. The bellows moves the spool and the spring is being used as a regulating element. In the point corresponding to the valve adjustment pressure, the compressed spring exertion balances the exertion applied to it by the bellows, occurring from the LHP working pressure. With pressure deviations in the LHP from the one set by the adjustment, the valve position changes so that the ratio of the flow rate of the two-phase coolant through the condenser and the bypass line, will maintain the required temperature regime of the LHP evaporator, at which its saturation pressure and temperature will stabilize.
spacecraft, temperature control, loop heat pipe, radiator, three-way valve, evaporator, bellows, spring, spool, saturation pressure, bypass line
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