Kerosene combustion models analysis by the example of liquid rocket engine


Senchev M. N.*, Zubrilin I. A.**, Yurtaev A. A.***, Komisar Y. V.****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia



The article presents the results of the combustion processes simulation in the liquidpropellant rocket engine (LRE) chamber while applying various kinetic mechanisms of chemical reactions. The authors considered various models of fuels similar by properties to the T-1 kerosene employed with the LRE under study according to the State Standard 10227-86. Simulation was being performed in the two dimensional statement with the «ANSYS Fluent» software. The z77 reduced mechanism (components, reactions) and A3skeletal mechanism (components, reactions) were employed for chemical reactions description. Simulation results in the two dimensional statement were being compared with the thermodynamic calculations, as well as bench tests on thrust. Computational data divergence between each other and with experimental ones by the basic characteristics does not exceed 3% when employing the z77 mechanism. Thus, the article demonstrates that the problem statement presented in this work may be employed for the T1 kerosene, and oxygen combustion processes simulation.


liquid rocket engine (LRE), combustion, kerosene, oxygen, combustion products, combustion processes


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