Experimental procedure for the study of thermal decarbonization kinetics in the presence of temperature gradients in test samples


Orekhov V. A.*, Bobkov V. I.**

Branch of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute in Smolensk, Smolensk, Russia

*e-mail: fundukoff@mail.ru
**e-mail: vovabobkoff@mail.ru


The paper investigates the parameters of structural-kinetic equation based on the results of non-isothermal experiment accompanied by temperature gradients in test sample in temperature range of chemical-technological system of burning of phosphate raw material. The kinetic features of the endothermic carbonate dissociation reaction are taken into account. The technique of thermoanalytic experiments is used and the reverse kinetic problem is solved. The obtained re sults and their accuracy are suitable for practical use in chemical-energy technological systems of thermal preparation of raw materials.


temperature, gradient, chemical technology, phosphate raw materials, unsteady heating, kinetics, carbonate dissociation


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