Bugrova A. D.,
Kotlyarov E. Y.*,
Finchenko V. S.,
Shabarchin А. F.**
Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
*e-mail: evgeny-1@list.ru
**e-mail: shaf@laspace.ru
The results of applying a number of simplified thermal mathematical models (TMM) developed by the authors for estimating the mass of a phase change material used in thermal protection shell of a some technological object, which must be protected from overheating during its removal from gas medium, that has a high temperature, are demonstrated. The corresponding express calculations were performed, and their results were analyzed, followed by the selection of the most appropriate TM
М in terms of the efficiency and effectiveness of its application, as well as the ease of developing TMМ and acceptable accuracy of calculations. To create various TMMs used in this work, the authors developed their own program codes, and also used specialized design work-benches with built-in solvers and software tools that simplify the preparation of input data and processing of calculation results.
technological object, heat protection shell, phase change material, thermal mathematical model, express calculation, temperature, mass
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