Analytical modeling of heat interchange in the blanket elements


Pronina P. F.1*, Tushavina O. V.2**, Shumskaya S. A.1***, Egorova M. S.1****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



The work deals with analytical modeling of the blanket elements to determine the temperature distribution in a composite heat-shielding coating. A two-layer structure in onedimensional formulation with the non-stationary problem solution of heat conduction based on a two-layer homogeneous rod was considered. The two-layer structure represents a layer of fiberglass and an aluminum substrate. In the course of the solution, graphs of the distribution of the temperature field and heat flow along the length of the package depending on time were obtained. Graphs of distribution of both temperature field and heat flows along the packet dependences on time were obtained while solving.


blanket, temperature, thermal insulation, strain-stress state


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