Kashelkin V. V.1*,
Glazjuk Y. V.1,
Demidov A. S.2**,
Popov V. Y.2***
1. Dollezhal Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, Moscow, Russia, Malaya Krasnoselskaya ul. 2/8, 107140
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: re.entry@g23.relcom.ru
**e-mail: demidov@mai.ru
***e-mail: quazzar.89@mail.ru
The article considers the method for stress state determining of toroidal the heat exchanger elements accounting for their complex geometrical shape. On the assumption that deformations occur only in the pipes and shell, and tube sheets are absolutely rigid, the problem of determining stresses in both pipes and shell is being solved by the method of force. The system elements displacements are being expressed by the Mohr integral. The purpose of this scientific work consists in creating a technique for the heat exchanger design and calculation in the toroidal shell. Only the temperature difference herewith between this shell and the tube sheets is being accounted for. It is being noted that if hazardous stresses are detected in the shell and tube sheets by the calculation results, they can be minimized by installing expansion bellows compensator into the shell.
toroidal shell-and-tube heat exchanger, liquid-metal coolant, tube bundle, tube sheet
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