Express method for effective thermal conductance assessing of compact gas-liquid heat exchanger functioning in atmospheric environment


Antonov V. A., Kotlyarov E. Y.*, Finchenko V. S.,

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



A technique developed by the authors represents a simplified computational-experimental method for radiator effective heat-release characteristic determining of the liquid cooling system of the heat-releasing unit such as personal computer. The said characteristic, in fact heat conductance, allows comparing productivity of the similar type heat exchangers, produced by different manufacturers and performing computations of foreseeable temperatures of the cooling systems, employing atmospheric gas-liquid heat exchangers. The express technique is simple, ostensive and may be employed in the educational process while mastering engineering methods for analyzing the characteristics of compact heat exchangers and cold plates, as well as their modeling.


thermal testing, effective thermal conductance, heat transfer coefficient, gas-liquid heat exchanger, express method


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