Interaction of a liquid with a high-temperature surface during jet cooling


Duplyankin R. A.*, Glazkov V. V.

National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Krasnokazarmennaya str., 17, bldg. 1G, Moscow, 111250, Russia



Some aspects in cooling of high-temperature surfaces using subcooled water jet impingement were investigated. Explanation proposed for visually observed contact between water and heater surface at temperatures above thermodynamics superheat limit temperature and for the fact that experimentally observed heat fluxes can not be removed from the surface at usual film boiling regime. A hypothesis is formulated that the increase in heat transfer occurs due to the vortex generation on large sur- face asperities penetrating into the liquid through ultra-thin vapor film (5-10 mkm) formed on the surface.


vapor film, asperities, vortex street, heat transfer


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