Temperature field strength on the graphene inclusions surface in composite with the ceramic matrix


Lavrov I. V., Bardushkin V. V.*, Yakovlev V. B.

Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

*e-mail: bardushkin@mail.ru


The article considers the problem of finding the temperature field strength at the inclusion boundary in the matrix composite from the matrix side. The authors obtained an expression for operator of the temperature field intensity concentration on the surface of anisotropic inclusions in the form of strongly compressed spheroids in matrix composite depending on a point position on the inclusion surface, inclusions volume fraction in the material, and orientation of the inclusion. These operators associated the fields on the inclusion surface on the matrix side to the average value of the temperature field strength in the composite sample. Based on the obtained expressions, model computations were performed for a composite with the Al2O3 matrix and inclusions from multilayer graphene. The values of the components and the temperature field strength modulus at the points on the edge of the inclusions on the matrix side were being computed at a fixed value of the applied temperature field strength at various aspect ratios of spheroids, modeling the shape of graphene inclusions, as well as at various angles between the direction of the applied field strength and the plane of rotation of spheroids. The article demonstrates that in the case of graphene multilayer inclusions at the points on their ribs, the field strength from the side of the ceramic matrix can be several tens fold higher than the applied field strength.


composite, matrix, graphene, inclusion, operators of temperature field strength concentration, generalized singular approximation


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