Thermal calculation of a sliding support bearing for a high-speed GTE rotor based on the theories of kinetics and hydrodynamics of the rotor


Myakochin A. S.*, Svodin P. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Modern aircraft design is primarily aimed at improving their tactical and technical characteristics, which sets the task for design engineers to achieve higher values of engine cycle parameters. This task is solved by introducing advanced materials, using modern manufacturing and control technologies, a more advanced level of profiling of blade machine elements, as well as by providing higher rotor speeds. However, an increase in operating speeds inevitably leads to a complication of the operating conditions of the rotary engine system, in particular, to an increase in power and temperature loads on its elements, which requires new design and technological solutions [1]. The problems of designing and operating sliding bearings of rotor supports of modern and promising aviation gas turbine engines (AGTD) are relevant and pose a number of advanced diverse tasks to design engineers: the task of analyzing the service life of bearing supports and increasing their service life [2–4], the task of calculating and evaluating the thermal condition of the bearing system.shaft [5], the task of optimizing the supply of lubricant to the friction zone [6], etc. In addition, work is actively underway to improve the design of bearings using new promising materials science technologies [7–13], such as porous ceramic composite materials.


bearing bearing, gas turbine engine, turbulent flow, kinetics, hydrodynamic theory of lubrication, thermal calculation, bearing tests


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