Validation of a calculation method for determining the distillation curve for mixed hydrocarbon fuels including biocomponents


Tsapenkov K. *, Kuraeva Y. G., Sidorova E. I., Shtyrlov A. E., Yastrebov V. V., Zubrilin I. A.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia



This work addresses the current issue of introducing biofuels into the aviation industry, which is an important step towards reducing the carbon footprint and improving the environmental situation. The study tests calculation methods for determining the saturated vapour pressure for different types of fuel. The methods considered are necessary to calculate the distillation curve according to the algo-rithm proposed in this work.
The paper presents an algorithm for calculating the distillation curves of multi-component fuels, The paper presents an algorithm for calculating the distillation curves of multi-component fuels, inclu-ding both traditional petroleum hydrocarbons and bio-components. In addition, the work includes a review of existing calculation methods used to determine the saturated vapour pressure of petroleum hyd-rocarbons and oxygenates at a given temperature. It is important to be able to determine the satu-rated vapour pressure over a range of temperatures, rather than at a specific value, as the temperature is constantly changing during the process of plotting the distillation curve. Reference data on the satu-rated vapour pressure of various fuels are provided to validate the calculation methods. Special atten-tion is given to new experimental data on the distillation curves of mixtures of petroleum hydrocar-bons and various oxygenates such as alcohols, ketones and aldehydes. This extends the understanding of the interaction between the components and their effect on fuel properties. Using the saturated va-pour pressure calculation methods presented, calculated distillation curves were plotted and compared with experimental results. In addition to validation on reference data, the presented methods were analysed in terms of ease of use and accuracy in calculating the distillation curve.
As a result of the work carried out, the most suitable calculation method for plotting the distillation As a result of the work carried out, the most suitable calculation method for plotting the distillation curve of mixtures of petroleum hydrocarbons with oxygenates is recommended, which can be used in the development of aviation fuel surrogates for modelling heating and evaporation processes. Some calculated curves showed a significant deviation from the experimental ones at the beginning of the graph, which may be due to the fact that to determine the saturated vapour pressure of mixtures of pe-troleum hydrocarbons with oxygenates it is necessary to use activity coefficients, since petroleum hy-drocarbons and oxygenates represent different groups of substances. Further studies are planned to introduce activity coefficients into the methodology for calculating the saturated vapour pressure of mixtures of petroleum hydrocarbons with oxygenates.


distillation curve, biocomponents, saturated vapor pressure, calculation method


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