Comparative analysis of magnetomotive forces of the reverced structure synchronous motor with permanent magnets and excitation windings

Electrical Engineering

Electromechanics and electric apparatus


Kovalev K. L.*, Tulinova E. E.**, Ivanov N. S.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article considers synchronous motors of a reversed structure with electromagnetic excitation of both conventional and based on high temperature superconductor tapes (HTST). The presence of excitation winding allows perform deep regulation, while current carry capabilities of modern HTS tapes of second generation allow create magnetomotive force (MMF) of the excitation winding, exceeding permanent magnets.

Synchronous electromechanical transducers of reversed structure with electromagnetic excitation open prospective application domains in wind-power engineering, low and middle power hydropower, special and military applications.

Based on analytical solution of the problems of magnetic fields distribution in active zone of electric motor of a reversed structure with both electromagnetic and permanent magnet (PM) excitation, the authors obtained equations for electromotive force (EMF) and inductive resistance. The obtained equations allow determine the dependence of motor's output parameters on the pairs of poles number, geometry of active zone, and excitation MMF. Likewise, in case of HTS tapes' implementation in the excitation winding (EW), it is possible to define the dependence of the motor parameters on the properties of the tape in use. Based on analytical equations the comparison of the motor of a reversed structure excitation MMF with PM excitation was performed. Besides, the analytical equation allowing compare these two types of excitation was obtained. It is shown, that the power of a motor with electromagnetic excitation can be greater with lower number of poles and HTS tape current close to 100 A. The obtained analytical equations can be employed for optimization calculations while defining the main sizes of a motor active zone. The combination of the presented fundamental solutions of theoretical problems and modern simulation methods will allow develop new calculation procedures for both traditional motors and motors based on HTS materials.


synchronous electrical machines, analytical calculation of the magnetomotive force, field winding


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