The spacecraft onboard equipment electronic components and units, as well as cable networks benchmark testing on electrostatic discharges (ESD) resistant strength should be carried out conditions closer to the real spacecraft operation conditions, in which electrostatic discharges occur.
Benchmark tests are performed in the air medium, and electrostatic discharges are simulated an ESD-generator. Thus, drawing near real conditions of the outer space is possible only by insulating elements and units from grounding circuit and maximum offset from the conducting environment to reduce the capacitive coupling.
Establishing the standard requirements to the onboard equipment noise immunity to simulated electrostatic discharges impact allows ensuring the possibility of comparative analysis of the testing results of various space vehicles.
These standard requirements should specify the simulated ESDs types; the degree of the tests' robustness; characteristics of the working place for tests. The testing methods should account for the specifics of onboard elements and units, as well as cable network placing on the spacecraft structure.
The article presents the description and requirements for the spacecraft onboard elements and units, as well as cable network benchmark testing.
The authors suggest performing the benchmark tests in such a way that the elements and units under testing together with along with spacecraft shell element and measuring equipment would not have connections with grounding circuits and power network, and placed far from the conducting medium.
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