Prediction of the effective thermal conductivityof composites with graphene inclusions


Lavrov I. V.*, Bardushkin V. V.**, Yakovlev V. B.***

Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



The article considers the problem of computing the effective thermal conductivity tensor of a sample of matrix composite with polymer matrix and multi-layer graphene inclusions, which shape is being modeled by the strongly squeezed spheroids (ellipsoid of rotation). These inclusions orientations are assumed to be of the probability distribution with the infinite order symmetry axis. The problem solution is being performed based on the generalized singular approximation, and matrix is assumed as a comparison medium. This approximation option corresponds to the Maxwell-Garnett approximation for computing effective dielectric characteristics of matrix composite. The representation theory of the SO(3) group is being applied to account for the probability distribution of the inclusions. Model computations of basic components of the effective thermal conductivity tensor of the composite sample with the ED-20 epoxy system as a matrix with graphene inclusions in dependence on the volume fraction of the inclusions were conducted. Computations are being performed at various aspect ratios of the inclusions and various scatters in the inclusions axes orientations, as well as uniform distribution of the inclusions orientations. The article demonstrates that adding a slight share of inclusions may lead to significant increase in the composite thermal conductivity, as well as strong anisotropy of the heat-conducting properties of the material.


tensor of effective thermal conductivity, composite, generalized singular approximation, distribution of inclusion orientations, SO(3) group representations


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