since 2009

ISSN: 2074-2649 (ptint)

Published since 2009. Media Registration Certificate: PI No. ФС 77-72651 от 16.04.2018

The journal is included in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) database on the Web of Science platform

The fee for the publication of articles authored by postgraduate students is not charged

Periodicity of the journal publication


issues per year

4 issues per year

Peer reviewing

Unilateral anonymous (“blind”)


4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125993, Russia, +7 499 158-45-19,

Published since 2009

ISSN 2074-2649 (print). Published monthly

Media Registration Certificate: PI No. ФС 77-72651 от 16.04.2018

DOI: 10.34759/tpt


Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

The Journal is included into:

  • the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, for the degree of Candidate of Sciences should be published;
  • Russian Science Citation Index;
  • Chemical Abstracts Service.

The Mission of the Journal

The journal «Thermal Processes in Engineering» was founded in 2009 on the initiative of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problem of «Thermal modes of machines and Apparatuses», the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the complex problem of «Thermophysics and Thermal Power Engineering» and the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Chemical and Physical Problems of Energetics».

The journal «Thermal Processes in Engineering» is intended to reflect the latest achievements of modern science and technology, support national innovation projects and ensure formation of the position of Russian science and technology in the global high-tech market. The journal publishes the results of original research, scientific and literary reviews, brief communications, as well as information about meetings of the RAS Committee on Heat Transfer.

The journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission No. 2365 in three groups of scientific specialties:

1. Mathematics and mechanics

1.1.8. Mechanics of deformable solid body (technical sciences)

1.1.9. Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma (technical sciences)

1.1.9. Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma (physical and mathematical sciences)

1.3. Physical sciences

1.3.2. Instruments and methods of experimental physics (technical sciences)

1.3.8. Physics of condensed state (technical sciences)

1.3.9. Plasma physics (technical sciences)

1.3.10. Low temperature physics (technical sciences)

1.3.14. Thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering (technical sciences)

1.3.14. Thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering (physical and mathematical sciences)

2.5. Machine building

2.5.12. Aerodynamics and heat exchange processes of flying vehicles (technical sciences)

2.5.13. Design, structure and manufacturing of flying vehicles (technical sciences)

2.5.14. Strength and thermal modes of flying vehicles (technical sciences)

2.5.15. Thermal, electric rocket engines and power plants of flying vehicles (technical sciences)

Current issue
2024, vol. 31, no. 4


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