There are more than 4200 gas distribution stations operating in Russian Federation. Gas pressure reduction at the gas distribution station from 5–12 MPa in the main pipelines to 0.6–1.2 MPa in cities leads to a significant gas temperature drop due to the throttle effect. In case of absence of natural gas preheating prior to the throttling device, the pressure drop in it leads to condensate dropout in the form of crystalline hydrates, liquid plugs formation, frosting-up of adjusting valves, check valves and instruments. The article presents an overview of the existing and promising ways of solving the problem of hydrate formation at gas distribution stations. Such methods as fire heating, inhibitors application, turbine expanders, methods of machine-free energy separation based on vortex and resonant tubes are considered. The main advantages and disadvantages of these methods are noted. The idea of implementing the method of fire-free heating during natural gas pressure reduction based on a supersonic machine-free energy separation is presented. The device principle of operation is based on the thermal interaction of subsonic and supersonic flows through a heat-conducting partition. The gas fed to the first channel passes through a supersonic nozzle, loses total pressure during acceleration, moving through the supersonic channel and decelerating in the diffuser, being heated herewith due to the heat exchange with subsonic flow through the wall. The gas, supplied to the second channel, practically retains the total pressure, and being cooled due to heat transfer to the supersonic flow through the partition wall. The heated gas with reduced pressure is directed to the consumer, while cooled compressed gas goes for further transportation. The article notes the main gas parameters, shock waves and components condensation impact on the effectiveness of the proposed device. A comparison of various gas pressure reduction techniques by the weight coefficients method according to the proposed criteria, such as maintenance complexity, the technique reliability, operation safety, design complexity, useable by-product availability and the degree of the technique availability, was made. The abandonment of the fire heating will allow simplify and safe the gas distribution station operation, improve ecological figures and save natural fuel gas.
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