Hypersonic flow-around of blunted bodies in conditions of Earth and Mars atmosphere. Comparative analysis of mathematical models


Reviznikov D. L.*, Sukharev T. Y.*

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: reviznikov@inbox.ru


Flying vehicles movement with hypersonic velocity is accompanied by the variety of interrelated physic-chemical processes occurring in the shock layer. The possibilities of ground-based experimental research are limited by the complexity of real conditions reproduction over all similarity parameters. As applied to the flying vehicle movement in the atmosphere of Mars, erosive impact of the two-phase flow on the flow-around surface should be accounted for. By now, accurate enough algorithms, realized in CDF program codes were developed. However, the full accounting for the variety of physic-chemical processes in the shock layer complicates significantly the computational process. In this regard, the choice of compromise models that provide sufficient accuracy with acceptable computational costs seems to be relevant. In this paper, a comparative analysis of mathematical models of the gaseous medium from the positions of thermal and erosive (for the atmosphere of Mars) impact of a hypersonic flow on a blunt body was performed. Models of chemically non-equilibrium gas and perfect gas with effective adiabatic index are being considered. The heat flux computed by the perfect gas model is close to the heat flux for absolutely catalytic surface in all computed options, remaining slightly higher than this value. The calculating time by chemically non-equilibrium model herewith is several times greater than the similar calculation by the perfect gas model, and this difference grows while approaching the chemical equilibrium conditions due to the rise of chemical kinetics system of equations rigidity. While the perfect gas model gives highly overestimated evaluations in case of significantly non-equilibrium shock layer on the surfaces with low catalytic activity, it is accurate enough as applied to the erosion impact calculation. The paper demonstrates that the difference in determining the particles velocity at the instant of collision with the flow-around surface, calculated by the models of chemically non-equilibrium gas and perfect gas with effective adiabatic index does not exceed 7% in a wide range of dispersed phase range.

The results obtained in computational experiments allow more efficient performing of multivariate analysis and trajectory calculations, which is actual in the design of hypersonic vehicles’ heat-shielding.


hypersonic flow, numerical simulation, Navier-Stokes equations, heat flux, model of chemically non-equilibrium gas, perfect gas model, chemical kinetics, two-phase flow, dusty atmosphere


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