The article considers one- and two dimensional mathematical models of a unit realizing machineless separation of an air flow. The unit represents a heat exchanger of a “pipe-in-a-pipe” type, where the supersonic flow passes along an internal cylindrical channel, while the subsonic flow moves along an external annular channel. The flow energy separation on «cold» (the bulk mean temperature is lower than the original one) and “hot” (the bulk mean temperature is higher than the original one) takes place without application of any movable parts driven by gas, i.e. without any technical work done by gas and without heat exchange with the environment.
The one-dimensional model was based of the Shapiro-Hawthorn approach with the corresponding closing relations for the friction and heat transfer laws. The two-dimensional model was based on the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with additional equations of the turbulence model.
The quantitative measure of the gas flow energy separation (temperature separation) is the difference between the total mass-average temperatures of the flow at the “hot” and “cold” outlets and at the inlet of the unit.
Validation of the suggested models was performed in a wide range of parameters variation. Comparison of the calculated and experimental data shows that the most suitable model for such a class of flows is the standard k-ω turbulence model with the Kays-Crawford analytical model for the turbulent Prandtl number.
The effect of a direct and counter flow patterns on the energy separation value was studied. It is shown that the flow pattern becomes significant at low values of subsonic channel mass flow.
Based on the developed models, the effect of the supersonic channel profile on the value of the energy separation was determined. Three supersonic channel profiles were considered: the initial channel with a varying (increasing) Mach number, channel with a constant Mach number equal to the initial Mach number for the original channel, channel with a constant Mach number equal to the finite Mach number for the original channel.
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