The article studies simultaneous control action of a jet and near-wall energy sources on a shock-wave structure of a supersonic flow in an axisymmetric flat channel so as to form a transonic area. Stable modes with extended transonic region were obtained for both options of near-wall energy sources creation. In the first case, the energy was supplied by an instantaneous pulse-periodic input of thermal energy. Numerical simulation was being performed based on two-dimensional non-steady Euler equations. The transonic mode stability is confirmed by the width of the average power input corridor for the mode existence domain. Pulsating sources average power dependence required for the transonic area realization was studied. The near-wall burning of hydrogen, inflowing through the slot in a flat channel wall, was considered as a second option near-wall sources creation. Numerical CFD simulation based on the two-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations closed by the SST k-w turbulence model was performed. Combustion was simulated by a simplified chemical kinetics with single reaction. The effect of the shock wave and separation zones formed near the hydrogen and air jets on the process of ignition and combustion was revealed. Combustion zones thickness in relation to the transverse channel size was estimated. A qualitative comparison with known calculations in the similar systems was made. The gas-dynamic pattern of the stream was compared with the flow structure for the case of instant near-wall pulse-periodical thermal sources.
A similarity of the flow structures in both of cases is shown. As a result, a possibility of flow deceleration to subsonic velocities in a channel with a Mach number M = 2 was demonstrated. This is a favorable prerequisite for realizing combustion in the expanding part of the channel.
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