Laminar natural convection of gas in closed square cavity


Cherkasov S. G.*, Laptev I. V.**, Ananyev A. V.***, Gorodnov A. O.****

Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia



The article considers the steady state problem of laminar natural convection of ideal gas with linear dependence between thermal conductivity and viscosity coefficients and temperature in closed square cavity between two vertical walls with large temperature difference and two thermally isolated horizontal walls using homobaricity approximation. It presents the dimensionless form of equations, and analyzes limiting transition of these equations in case of smallness of the characteristic temperature drops. The control volume method was applied for the obtained equations approximation in case of small Mach numbers conditions. Analysis of mesh convergence of the applied numerical method was performed. Comparison of numerical modeling results for such problem with constant gas properties with the well‑known data obtained by generalizing the great number of calculations made by various authors on the similar meshes, demonstrated good matching of the results. As a result of numerical modeling the problem was solved in a wide range of the key parameters, such Rayleigh number and characteristic temperature drop. Temperature fields and flow lines for various Rayleigh number values and temperature parameter are shown. The obtained results were compared with Boussinesq limit when temperature drops in the area were small. Conditions of transition to Boussinesq limit and effect of characteristic temperature selecting on this limiting transition were clarified. The best option for the characteristic temperature selection for describing the heat and mass exchange processes was substantiated. The dependence between thicknesses of near‑wall boundary layer and temperature parameter were obtained. Criteria of Boussinesq limit applicability for heat and mass exchange description in case of the above said type of the problems was substantiated.


laminar natural convection, homobaricity, ideal gas, Boussinesq approach, low Mach number approach


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