The article presents a numerical modeling technique of steady state modes of heat and mass transfer in the loop heat pipe (LHP) condenser based on hybrid 3D/1D approach. Mathematical model is based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation equations. The condenser is assumed of including a radiator plate with a tube attached to it, through which a coolant flows. Heat transfer in the radiator plate and tube walls is modeled based at a 3D‑approach. The 3D heat trans fer equation is solved numerically by the finite volume method employing non‑structured compu tational grid. Heat and mass transfer within the tube is computed in the framework of the one‑dimensional approximation. 3D and 1D models conjugation is realized on the tube inner surface. The tube inner wall temperature averaged over perimeter herewith is transferred from the 3D‑model to the 1D‑model, while the coolant temperature and heat transfer ratio are transferred in the opposite direction. As an example, a numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in the condenser based on the developed model was performed. With that, three loops of the tube with the overall length of 3.2 m are located on radiator plate (with the size of 800×400×5 mm). It is assumed, that the radiator plate and tube are made of aluminum, and ammonia is employed as a coolant. All computations were performed while setting the condition of radiative heat exchange on all the surfaces. One of the surface sides (the outer one) was contacted with the space with the temperature 4 K, and the other side (the one with the attached tubes) and remained surfaces were radiating to medium with the temperature 290 K. The modeled operation mode of the loop heat pipe is determined by thermal power fed to the evaporator of 120 W and the vapor overheating of 1.2 K at the evaporator outlet. For the specified conditions the following results were obtained: the temperature variation along the longest side of the plate reaches 7 K, and in two other directions the temperature field in the plate is practically homogeneous (variations are less than 1 K). The non‑homogeneity of the temperature distribution over the tube wall is evaluated by the value of 1 K. The linear density of the heat rate, removed from the tube into the plate varies significantly while the coolant progressing along the tube, namely from 70 to 25 W/m. The maximum difference the coolant and the tube wall temperatures reaches up to 4 K.
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