Hydrodynamic characteristics and heat exchange characteristics computing at direct movement of two streams of liquid metals


Yachikov I. M., Kartavtsev S. V., Matveev S. V.*


*e-mail: matveev_s_v@inbox.ru


According to the World Steel Association report, the steel production demonstrates a stable tendency to increase. In 2016, the world’s steel production reached 1,673 billion tons a year. Steel production inevitably passes through the melting stage, after which the liquid steel should be cooled. Almost all the heat is lost without active use, which reduces the energy efficiency of the process. One of the ways to utilize the liquid steel heat is to use liquid metal coolants for this purpose. With this, the liquid steel stream is cooled by the flow of another liquid metal or alloy. The purpose of the presented work consists in creating a mathematical model to determine the hydrodynamic and heat exchange characteristics in the direct flow of two flows of liquid metals. The article de‑ scribes the step‑by‑step developing of heat exchange mathematical model at laminar movement of the two liquid metals flow and presents the main modeling results. The distribution of the velocity profile for the motion of two immiscible metals with different properties was obtained for their various speed ratio and thicknesses of the boundary hydrodynamic layers on the example liquid steel and C‑13 alloy (55.5% Bi and 44.5% Pb). For a liquid steel while its moving at a velocity of U2 = 0.001–1 m/s, the results of approximate estimates revealed that the critical coordinate of the laminar‑to‑turbulent transition lies over a rather wide range of xcr = 86–0.086 m. With this, the dimensional thickness of the boundary layer lies in the range of δ1 = 0.195–0.195·10–5 m (at σ2 = 0.716, x ≈ xcr, λ0 = 1.5). For the C‑13 alloy at U1 = λ0U2 m/s, the critical coordinate of the laminar flow to turbulent flow lies within the limits of xcr = 28.05–0.028 m, the boundary layer thickness in the range of δ1 = 0.063–6.35·10–5 m (at σ2 = 0.716, x ≈ xcr, λ0 = 1.5).


liquid steel, pouring into liquid layers, heat energy utilization, liquid‑metal coolants, laminar flow, boundary layer, heat transfer coefficient


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