Lunar regolith thermo-physical characteristics measuring in natural conditions


Dudkin K. K.1, 2*, Alifanov O. M.1**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia

*e-mail: lord


The article considers various types of thermo‑touch‑probes, penetrating up to several meters, for lunar regolith thermo‑physical characteristics (TPC) exploration. Schemes of thermo‑probes are divided into three groups: with penetrator application; penetrating thermo‑probe; a drill probe with separable heater. The scheme applying penetrator was developed for the “Mars‑96” mission. However, this mission failed due to the failure of the upper‑stage rocket of the interplanetary station system for placing into the flight trajectory to Mars. The regolith heating was supposed to be performed by the retractable heater, and the temperature was being measured by thermometers in‑ stalled on the penetrator hull. However, calculations revealed that the strong distortions of temperature distribution pattern occurred due to the too large difference between the lunar regolith and penetrator’s structural elements thermal conductivity under lunar conditions, which increases significantly the error of the regolith TPC determining. Penetrating probe is a rod in which heaters and thermometers are installed at predetermined distances. The rod was placed into a drilled in advance drill‑hole. The heaters were turned on, and TPC was determined by thermometers’ measurements result and thermal conductivity inverse problem solving. This scheme was applicable enough under lunar conditions, but due to the too large difference of thermal conductivity of the lunar regolith and the rod material (fiber glass) the temperature distribution pattern, like in previous case, was distorted. Nevertheless, the structure’s impact was nearly two times lower than for the scheme employing the penetrator. The drill probe with separated heater consist of two parts: rode with meters and separable heater. The probe is lowered into the drill‑hole in the regolith, and then the heater is separated from the probe and left on the bottom of the hole. After this, the rod is moved upward on a short pre‑determined distance. The structure’s impact of this particular thermo‑probe appeared the least of the considered cases. Thermo‑probe of this scheme can be employed for the regolith TPC determining in the future lunar missions.


lunar regolith, thermo‑probes, thermophysical parameters, lunar exploration


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