Experimental studies of heat exchange at the downward flow of mercury in the pipe with various inclination angles in the transverse magnetic field with uniform at length and perimeter heating were conducted. 2D fields of averaged and fluctuation temperatures were measured by the probe technique with micro-thermocouple application. Distributions of non-dimensional local heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt numbers were obtained employing this data. The obtained data was generalized in the form of distribution of non-dimensional temperature differences in the cross-section from the inclination angle, and compared to the data obtained in other works at hand. The area of modes parameters (Hartmann, Reynolds, Grashof), in which large scale temperature pulsation, stipulated by MHD-heat exchange specifics, were not being found earlier in horizontal and vertical tubes, was studied. Without magnetic field effect in the studied modes’ parameters range, the impact of thermo-gravitational convection is significant, which leads to the temperature field symmetry loss in the cross-section, formation of degraded and improved thermal exchange exerts significant effect. The transverse magnetic field changes significantly the flow characteristics, leading to the temperature local maximums formation on the wall, stipulated by the Hartmann effect. The effect of thermo-gravitation herewith is not significant.
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