Thermal processes in electronic systems in conditions of thermal feedback effect impact


Madera A. G.

Federal State Institution “Federal Scientific Center Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Nachimovskiy prosp., Moscow, 117218, Russia



The article considers the effect of the thermal feedback occurring in electronic systems while functioning of integrated circuits, resistors, electro and radio components. Thermal feedback presents in all electronic systems, where operating parameters and power consumption depend on temperature, and temperature, in its turn, depends on the consumed power.Just the parameters interactive interdependence occurring herewith and returning new values of parameters and temperature through the feedback leads to the thermal feedback.
The thermal feedback may be either positive, when power consumption by the electronic circuit components increases with temperature growth, or negative, when consumed power decreases with temperature growth. The thermal feedback can drastically affect the workability and reliability an electronic circuit, and it presents a serious hindrance while creating competitive electronic circuits. While the positive thermal feedback may lead to the system parameters bounds violation, failures and burning-out, the negative feedback, on the contrary, has stabilizing effect on functional and thermal modes of the systems. The article analyzes conceptual sense of the thermal feedback and its impact on the thermal processes in electronic systems. A method for thermal feedback modeling based on introducing new temperature-dependent schematic elements into the system thermal model is proposed. Such thermal feedback model allows its inclusion into existing algorithms and effective software for electronic systems thermal design.The developed model application was considered on the example of real electronic system, and effect of the thermal feedback on the thermal processes developing in its components.


electronic system, microcircuit, thermal feedback, temperature distribution, thermal model, mathematical model, modeling


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