Prospects for the use of halogen incandescent lamps to simulate conditions of external heat exchange of spacecraft


Kolesnikov A. V., Paleshkin A. V.*, Syzdykov S. O.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



On the basis of the compiled radiation-optical model of a halogen incandescent lamp, a study was made of the possibility of using them as radiation sources in the composition of simulators of calculated external thermal loads on the spacecraft surface during various thermal experiments. Dependences of the spectral composition of the radiation of the lamp as a whole and its individual components on the temperature of the spiral are revealed. The obtained spectral characteristics of the lamp were used to calculate the possible errors in modeling external thermal loads on the surface of a spacecraft with inhomogeneous radiation characteristics of coatings of elements that perceive heat. The results indicate that when modeling the impact on the surface of various materials and coatings of spacecraft of infrared radiation fluxes typical for sources emitting radiation in the middle and far infrared region of the spectrum, there may be excessively large modeling error even at relatively low lamp spiral temperatures – not higher than 1000 K. The obtained results indicate that when simulating the effect on the surface of various materials and coatings of the spacecraft of infrared radiation fluxes typical for sources emitting radiation in the middle and far infrared regions of the spectrum, there may be excessively large modeling errors even at relatively low lamp spiral temperatures – not higher than 1000 K. A high level of modeling errors is due to the fact that the spectral and integral radiation characteristics of the halogen lamps are radically depended on the electric power supplied to them. In this regard, the current task is the development of a new approach to solving the problem of formation of control actions on radiant modules of imitators. Preliminary recommendations for the method for controlling the simulator based on a halogen incandescent lamp are given.


spacecraft, simulator, simulation of thermal loads, radiation, halogen incandescent lamps


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