Gradient heat flux measurement while diesel engine monitoring


Sapozhnikov S. Z., Mityakov V. Y.*, Mityakov A. V., Vintsarevich A. V.**, Gerasimov D. V., Pavlov A. V.***, Vorobyev L. A., Larin A. V.

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia



Diesel engine efficiency increase is impossible without studying heat transfer in the combustion chamber. The heat transfer determines the fuel efficiency and engine eco friendliness. At present, pressure sensors are the only means for the engine working process monitoring and control. An indicator diagram, though, does not characterize the heat transfer process in combustion chamber by the simple and intelligible way. The article suggests employing heterogeneous gradient heat flux sensors for non-stationary heat flux registration on firedeck of a swirl-chamber diesel engine. The sensors operation principle is based on transversal Seebeck effect. Heterogeneous gradient heat flux sensors allow perform direct measuring of the thermal flux density. The sensors are midget, possess good heat stability, and their time constant allows registering heat flux changes per cycle without distortion. A probe and three different zones of the firedeck are instrumented with gradient heat flux sensors. The article studied the effect of the fuel injection timing advance angle on the heat flux on the firedeck. Spatial variation of peak value of heat flux was observed. The observed spatial variation is mainly driven by imbalance of fuel-air mixture in combustion chamber. However, the heat flux density reaches its maximum simultaneously in all points under study. Maximum of the heat flux density at the injection timing angle deviation from the optimal value shifts from the upper dead point in the “delay” direction, the indicator diagram maximum herewith do not possess this property. 

The suggested technique allows control the engine by the position of maximum heat flux density.


diesel engine, heat flux, gradient thermometry, gradient heat flux sensors


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