Acoustic fields effect study on the lifetime of overheated n–pentane


Lipnyagov E. V., Perminov S. A., Parshakova M. A.*

Institute of Thermal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Amundsena St., 107a Ekaterinburg, 620016, Russia



The effect of ultrasound on the lifetime of overheated n-pentane in a glass capillary at atmospheric pressure and temperatures from 100 to 130°С (overheating from 63.9 to 93.9°С) was studied. The study was performed by the method of the lifetimes of overheated liquid measuring, according to which the overheating is attained by pressure dump on the thermostatically controlled liquid. The boiling-up process was recorded by the high-speed shooting. The glass capillary has an internal diameter of 2.45 mm and a cone-shaped expansion 30 mm high. The FM-12T ceramic plate of 12 mm diameter is glued to the cone-shaped capillary butt end. The plate oscillations were excited by the GZ-33 generator, allowing change the sound waves frequency from 9 to 106 kHz. The additional impact of the ultrasonic field on the liquid under study was provided by immersing the capillary lower conical part to various depths of the ultrasonic bath (1, 5, 15, 30 mm).

The conducted tests demonstrated that the lifetime of the overheated liquid decreased as ultrasonic oscillations frequency approached the resonance frequency of the cell, and under certain conditions, it can be brought to zero. Immersion of the conical part of the capillary, containing liquid, into the sonic bath with a simultaneous action of the piezo-radiator appeared to be most effective. The authors suppose that the acoustic field low frequency from the ultrasound bath (44 kHz) increases the average radius of gas-vapor bubbles, while high frequencies from the piezo-radiator, close to resonant frequencies (≈106 kHz) increase their stationary concentration. It follows from video shooting data that on the impact of the ultrasound of high frequency only (106 kHz), a great number of secondary bubbles is being formed on the interphase surface of the growing bubble. An additional immersion of the capillary into the ultrasonic bath with depth increase leads to a sharp decrease in the bubble growth rate and «protuberances» occurrence on the liquid-vapor interphase surface.


nucleation, overheat, boiling-up, ultrasound, n‑pentane, high-speed video


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