The article is devoted to the problem of obtaining the glassy carbon key spectral-optical characteristics and their application for determining the properties of heat-resistant ultraporous reticulated glassy carbon foam materials produced in our country in a computational experiment. The initial stage of the work consisted in creating technology and producing the macroscopic dense samples of glassy carbon, which properties are identical to the basis of reticulated materials. To obtain a sample surface suitable for spectral studies, it was additionally compacted with pyrolytic carbon deposited on it from the gas phase. Experimental measurement of the spectral hemispherical reflectivity of the samples surface with its normal illumination allowed determining the key optical constants of the glassy carbon spectral values such as components of its complex refractive index consistent with the fundamental Kramers–Kronig relations, and a number of derived characteristics. An original statistical spectral mathematical simulation model was employed for theoretical studies and forecasting, and some results their operations are presented. Particularly, the reticulated carbon foam local scattering and absorption spectra, its phase scattering function, and its dependence on the degree of anisotropy of the radiation incident on the sample are demonstrated. This kind of data has never been previously obtained for such structures, although they open up broad prospects for determining these ultraporous materials properties that determine their practical application.
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