Thermal protection system for ceramic thermally stressed elements of descent and reusable launch vehicles


Kolychev A. V.*, Kernozhitsky V. A.**, Levikhin A. A.***

Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH ” named after D.F. Ustinov, 1, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia



The article is devoted to thermoemission thermal protection of the ceramics thermally stressed elements and the descent vehicles being developed in Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH”.

The presented work demonstrates the evaluation results of the temperature drop value on the ceramics thermally stressed elements and reusable rocket carriers’ stages surface while applying thermoemission heat protection. This thermal heat protection is based on the thermionic emission phenomenon, i.e. electron ejection by the heated metal, accompanied by the electronic cooling.

The main supposition in this work is invariable value preservation of the electron work function of the protected descent vehicles and reusable launch vehicles elements during the entire time of their high-speed flight. In effect, the electron work function specified value maintenance of in this period represents complex technical challenge.

The work demonstrates that depending on the surface temperature without thermoemission thermal protection and electron work function, the temperature drop may achieve 700–800 degrees without accounting for thermal flows of aerodynamic heating changing at such temperature drop. This change is planned to be accounted for hereafter.

Such temperature drop is explained by the fact that the heating thermal energy is distributed between the crystal grid nodes of the ceramics thermally stressed elements material and electrons. At the same time, at thermionic emission each electron takes away the energy of the work function order, which undoubtedly is a part of the aerodynamic heating thermal energy. As a result, the temperature decreases. The thermionic emission dependence on temperature allows ensuring the temperature stresses and deformations decrease while aerodynamic heating, increasing stability of the protected ceramics thermally stressed elements in conditions of hostile environment of the incoming high-speed flow.

The thermoemission thermal protection being developed will allow reduce temperature of the protected ceramics thermally stressed elements of the descent vehicles and the recovering stages of reusable launch vehicles, including aircraft type, and temperature stresses and deformations occurring in them. On this ground, a possibility arises to enhance significantly the resource of these elements and increase the number of their reutilization before the marginal state.


hermionic emission, electronic cooling, thermoemission thermal protection, descent vehicle, recoverable vehicles


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