Gas dynamic and infrared radiation computing of 3D jets with account for vibrational non-equilibrium


Molchanov A. M.*, Maslova D. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



A technique for gas dynamic and IR radiation computing of vibrational non-equilibrium gas and multiphase flows in the three-dimensional statement was developed. The radiation model is based on the k-distribution method for the vibrational non-equilibrium gas, which employs special equations for the averages over the throughput capacity band and effective Plank function. Comparison of the test problems computational results with the results obtained by the other authors demonstrated satisfactory agreement. The article shows significant growth of heat radiation while the incoming flow angle of attack increases. Accounting for the real atmosphere chemical composition plays significant role in jets computing at the heights above 100 km.


vibrational non-equilibrium, radiation, multiphase flows, heat radiation, k-distribution


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