The article considers the problem of determining of temperature field of the isotropic solid with spherical inclusion while laser radiation impact. The analyzed mathematical model of the heat transfer process in the system under study is based on the hypothesis on the possibility of equating the average integrated temperature of the inclusion to its contact boundary temperature, i.e. on realization of the idea of the “cumulative capacitance”. It represents a mixed problem for the linear equation in partial derivatives of the second order parabolic type with specific edge condition, actually accounting for the absorbing inclusion presence in the system. The approximate analytical method, employing integral representation of the considered heat transfer problem, was proposed. The idea of solution representation in the form of the key small-parameter expansion of the mathematical model being realized, namely, the simplex of similarity of physical properties of the system being analyzed with further employing of mixed Fourier transform on the spatial variable for obtaining the sought-after functions, lies in the basis of the above said method. The article demonstrates that the proposed method is the most convenient in terms of its practical realizability while performing parametrical analysis of the temperature field of the object under study. The obtained results were used for theoretical evaluation of the absorbing scenic inclusion impact on temperature field being formed while the object under study was affected by the radiation of constant power density.
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