The article is devoted to further improvement of aircraft engines operating on liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon and nitrogen-containing fuels. Possible ways for efficiency improvement of the conventional liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fuels, as well as liquid nitrogen-containing fuels are demonstrated based on the analysis of scientific and technical literature. They mean implementation of various non-metallic and metallic additives, as well as creation of mixtures of the existing fuels with the existing or prospective ones etc. The article considers in detail anomalous thermal processes in fuel-cooling systems of single-mission and multiuse liquid
rocket engines (LRE), air-jet engines (AJE), as well as in power plants (PP), associated with both positive processes in the critical pressure zones and negative ones, such as pressure thermo-acoustic self-oscillations (TASO), sediment formation process, which may cause emergencies, inflammation and explosions. The effectiveness of C60, C70, C84 fullerenes introduction into nitrogen-containing fuel (in pure liquid hydrazine) was demonstrated, as a result of which density can be increased by 2.6%, and the other parameters of thermo-physical properties would
also change by 10–15%. The electrostatic field application contributes to:
— Heat transfer coefficient increase up to 650% in liquid hydrocarbon fuels, and up to 190% in gaseous methane;
— Sediment formation prevention;
— Pressure thermo-acoustic self-oscillations elimination, and other positive effects.
It is shown that pressure thermo-acoustic self-oscillations may occur in the channels of cooling jackets of various LRE operating both on hydrocarbon fuels (including liquefied natural gas methane) and on nitrogen-containing fuels (on hydrazine, its derivatives and mixtures with other fuels). Techniques for anomalous processes accounting and computing while various engines and power plants design and operation were developed. It was demonstrated that the most effective would be the engines and power plants that would employ effective fuels. New structural schemes of fuel-cooling channels, filters and atomizers without electrostatic field application, with electrostatic field or hybrid ones should be developed for such engines. For an example, the authors of the article present their Russian patents for invention of new LREs and AJE with enhanced characteristics. Application of the materials of the article will contribute to development of new and efficient domestic engines and PP for ground, air, aerospace and space-based expendable and non-expendable.
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