Optimization the panel-type heat exchangers-radiators of space power plants


Il’mov N. D.*, Mavrov V. A.**

Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia

*e-mail: ilmovdn@mail.ru
**e-mail: vasiliy.mavrov@yandex.ru


One of the key elements of high-power nuclear power system is heat exchanger – “radiator”, designed to dump into outer space that part of the heat that cannot be turned into useful work. The panel-type radiator is relatively technological and easy to manufacture. It is a complex of finned tubes through which cooled coolant circulates. The convenient model for analyzing panel-type radiator is its presentation as simple set of parallel tubes (flows) connected by plate – two half-fins. The mathematical model is proposed on the basis of this approach, algorithms for finding optimal parameters are developed. It was found that the liquid metal coolant Na-K, despite its high thermal conductivity, does not give advantages in terms of the efficiency of the panel-type radiator compared to the diphenyl mixture. When developing the design of panel-type radiator with minimum mass, one should strive for the minimum possible thickness of the fin. In addition to mass optimization, an alternative algorithm for finding the best parameters to increase the meteoric invulnerability of panel-type radiator was proposed, when thermal power, limiting pressure loss and maximum permissible mass are specified, and solution is searched according to the highest probability that the radiator tubes do not damage because of meteoroids and particles of space debris. It is more beneficial to increase the thickness and width of the fins instead of simply increasing the thickness of the channel walls when optimized for the probability of no damage with limited mass. To improve the reliability of the panel-type radiator, it is proposed to equip each flow with shut-off valves, which will cut it off if damaged. Mathematical approaches to determine the number of damaged flows and the reliability of panel-type radiator with shut-off valves have been developed. According to the results of this work, design concept for panel-type radiator is proposed, which is distinguished by high technology and reliability.


radiant heat exchanger, panel-type radiator, heat-conducting radiating fin, liquid metal coolant, high-temperature organic coolants, diphenyl mixture, the probability of non-damage by meteoroids and particles of space debris


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