The presented study performs assessment the thermal state of the external battery pack structural elements of the perspective nanosatellite. The module has an external unit which consists of a cover and a stand for batteries. The article considers various coating options of the block case. Such options as polished aluminum, white color enamel and black color enamel were selected. The assessment was conducted employing a set of mathematical models. The first model describes the nanosatellite’s center of masses movement relative to the coordinate system, associated with the Earth. The second mathematical model describes the orbital parameters of a nanosatellite relative to the direction vector to the Sun. The third mathematical model describes the thermal state of the structural elements, depending on the heat flows attributable to each design element. To validate the described above method the “Comsol Multiphysics” software is employed in this work. This package represents an integrated platform for modeling, including all the stages of modeling: from geometry creating, defining material properties and describing physical phenomena, to the solution customizing and the post-processing routine, which allows obtaining accurate and reliable results. The batteries’ temperature dependencies on time for three various coating options were obtained. The analysis that allowed selecting the option of black color enamel coating for the future working out was performed.
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