The article regards a prospective version of local thermal control system (TCS) of a of lowthrust
engines block (LTE) of the Fregat inter-orbit space tug (FIOST). The authors propose to
increase the cooling capacity of the TCS by introducing an evaporative heat exchanger (EHX)
into its configuration. This will allow enhancing the FIOST functionality. The Fregat interorbital
space tug is a typical product of Lavochkin Association, which contributed to more than
76 successful launches, and putting into working orbits of at least 200 domestic and foreign
spacecraft. In the process of some spacecraft launch employing the FIOST, it was revealed that
the LTE operation in the most intense conditions was accompanied by an increase in the temperature
of individual engine elements above permissible limit. In this regard, technological
measures were taken, aimed at improving the cooling efficiency of LTE blocks. The article presents
a TCS schematic diagram, and shows as well that the simplest way to the cooling capacity
increase consists in employing the open surfaces of the box on which a block of three engines is
assembled as radiators. It was shown additionally that this kind of solution had an energetic limit,
which could be overcome by installing an evaporative heat exchanger on the same box.
Further, the authors present the developed thermal mathematical model, which allows predict
parameters of the TCS containing an evaporative heat exchanger (EHX), as well as evaluate effectiveness
and feasibility of its application. To set up a computational experiment, the authors
use the ThermXL demo version. The results are presented for two cases, namely, the uniform
and pulsed nature of the LTE operation. The results are commented and illustrated by additional
quantitative evaluations. It is shown, that the EHX is most effective for compensating the LTE
short-term powerful turn-on. In conclusion, the possible impact of evaporative heat exchangers
on the Fregat operation and the payload is analyzed. By simplified estimation, it was concluded
that EHX functioning had no significant impact. It is noted, that the EHX developing is possible
through design and experimental work, which will include autonomous tests. The obtained results
might be of certain interest for specialists involved in ensuring thermal regime of the
spacecraft equipment.
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