The presented work is an attempt to combine the approach, adopted by technologists on processing
with metal cutting machines, to the description of temperature regimes of cutting, with
the approach based on solving differential equation of thermal conductivity. Here, all specifics
of converting the power, released in the contact zone of the tool and machined workpiece, into
the heat, as well as evolutionary (growing) nature of the thermal field in the same zone are accounted
for. By evolutionary nature, we understand the heredity of the current temperature field
in relation to all previous facts of heat release and dissipation resulting from the workpiece
transformation. The article proposes the Volterra operator for solving such problem, previously
modified to account for time-space dissipation of thermal potentials, which allows obtaining
general solution differential equation of thermal conductivity. The article considers options of
stationary change of temperature in the cutting zone, and a case of the operator transforming for
the discrete version of temperature evaluation. Both options were simulated, in the stationary
case the simulation results revealed aperiodic character of the temperature field behavior in the
contact zone of the tool and workpiece, which agreed well with the observed temperature effects
in metals. Discrete modeling was performed based on the previously obtained experimental
data. The experiment was conducted on a lathe. The force, decomposed along the axes
of the tool deformation, vibrations of the tool itself, and temperature in the contact zone of the
tool and processed workpiece were measured herewith. As a result of experimental data processing
and numerical modeling, the curves depicting the experimentally measured temperature
in the contact zone of the tool and the workpiece, as well as the temperature, modeled as the result
of the proposed technique in the same zone were plotted. As is clear from the obtained results,
simulation results almost completely coincide with the results, obtained in the field experiment,
which allowed us to conclude that the proposed mathematical model is highly adequate.
We see further development of the proposed modelling technique of the thermal field, occurring
in the cutting zone, as application of the obtained models while new mathematical apparatus
formation, describing complex dynamics of metal cutting machining with metal cutting machine
tools. It is utterly important here to account not only for complex evolutionary nature of
the temperature field formation, but also for the new complex nonlinear relationships, formed
by this field in the forces hindering the shaping movements of the tool.
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